Tutu’s Pantry Jams and Butters Gift Set


Tutu’s Pantry Jams and Butters – Our Tutu’s Jams and Butters Gift Set

Availability: Only 4 left in stock


This is the perfect Welcome, Birthday, Mother’s or Father’s Day Gift.
Nothing says “I truly appreciate you” like this elegant and delicious gift set  with three of our delicious fruit Butters and three of our delicious fruit jams in either a box or a basket.
If you have any other flavors in mind and would like to add to this gift set write on “Notes”. Some of our products are seasonal, so keep that in mind when ordering.
Includes: Pineapple Strawberry Jam, Pineapple Papaya Coconut Jam, Spicy Pineapple Papaya Lilikoi Jam, Pineapple Butter, Coconut Butter, Island Butter. Does not ship in this same  basket due to availability, we may use a different basket or box.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs

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  1. Milla

    Perfect Treat! And I’m loving their new flavors too! But nothing compares to the original coconut candy! Yum!

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